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The Happy Sappy Grown-Up Hour

The Happy Sappy Grown-Up Hour
The Kids Show For Adults!

Host Nicky Urban takes on the hard parts about being an adult, with interviews, sketch comedy and puppets! It's Mr Rogers' Neighborhood if it was about Sex, Drugs and Music!

Keywords: kids show, puppets, animated, nicky urban, mr rogers neighborhood, pee-wee's playhouse, peewee herman

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58m, 56s

The Happy Sappy Grown-Up Hour
Self Love!

Nicky talks about self-love and how to treat yourself well physically, emotionally and sexually.


0 sec

The Happy Sappy Grown-Up Hour

Live from the Pack Theater in Hollywood, host Nicky Urban discusses how to be an adult with an interview with a Dietitian Shely Salemnia, How To Eat O...


0 sec

The Happy Sappy Grown-Up Hour

Host Nicky Urban discusses religion including Christianity, Scientology, Snake-Handling, Pastafarianism, the Jedi Religion and more!

The Nicky Urba...


0 sec

The Happy Sappy Grown-Up Hour

Host Nicky Urban and friends explore mistakes with 'Oops In The Night', 'Murphy's Law', Carrie The Self-Care Fairy, Zeus the Delivery Driver, an inter...


0 sec

The Happy Sappy Grown-Up Hour

Host Nicky Urban and friends celebrate LGBTA+ Pride.
