So you have a show on GarageTV. Now what?
Information For Makers on GarageTV Streaming Network
You will need to have a Show profile, and at least one User profile with Maker Access to access your show and receive funds. You can assign a Team of Users to your show and automatically divide proceeds among them. You can then add Promos, Banner Ads, Blog Posts and Merch if you want to.
#SHOWS #submitshow #myshow #producerinfo #producer
Every video or podcast clip that streams on our site is posted under the umbrella of a SHOW. A show has a profile with name, subtitle, description, images and more. Each show can have one or more episodes. It can also have promo videos and social media links.
You can use your show profile on our network as the main website for your show. By adding a show nickname, which is a compact one-word acronym or short name for your show, you will get a website that looks like: For instance if your show is called “The Best Show Ever” your nickname can be something like “bestshow” and your url would be Now if you want to register a domain name for your show such as, you can easily direct your domain name to your garagetv show profile. So when they type in they go directly to the show profile and can immediately access your episodes and other content.
Each show can then have as many episodes as needed. Each episode profile has a name, description, search keywords and more, plus an optional image. If your “show” is a movie or a single-episode pilot, it will still have a show profile, which contains one episode profile.
Each show will also have a production team of as many people as you like. If you have a sketch team, each member can have their own user profile, as well as editors, directors, producers, etc. Each team member can be assigned a percentage such that each user is automatically paid out their percentage of the proceeds.
To access your show on our network you will need to set up one or more USERS. Each person on your production team should create their own user account, so each user account should represent a real person, not a team of people, organization or company. This way each person on your team can be added to the production team for the show, and legal ownership of the show can be easily divided among the team. Each person can then link a stripe account to their personal bank and have their share of proceeds paid directly.
Each person on your team should go to and create an account. In order to be added as a production team member each user will then need to be made a “Maker” by our administrators. You can request that a user be made a maker by emailing and asking to be made a maker.
If your User account is a Maker then you can post on our News blog by going to and clicking the New Blog Post button.
You can sell merch on our website through our stripe system. Contact for more info.
You can upload one promo video for each show. The current promo will be featured on the show page, above the episodes for the show. This promo may be used in ads in the future.
You can upload an ad banner for your show by going to and clicking the New Ad button. A banner ad is a wide image with aspect ratio 10:1, so for instance 3000x300 pixels. The ads uploaded here will appear on our web pages and direct people to your show.
posted by dave ciaccio at 05 May 2024, 17:58::46 PDT
All Posts By dave ciaccio