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Episode 3
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AIpocalypse with Richee Aaron! GO Supremacy, Cheating Algorithms, Suicidal Q-Berts, Robots in Limbo

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AIpocalypse with Richee Aaron! GO Supremacy, Cheating Algorithms, Suicidal Q-Berts, Robots in Limbo

Comedian and former Engineering Student Richee Aaron joins Dave and Jesse to discuss the present and future of Artificial Intelligence, now that Google's Deep Mind AlphaGo has beaten the top human Go Player years ahead of predictions. Plus game-playing algorithms that have learned to cheat, pause the game or commit suicide for strategic reasons, and a computer with the cognitive abilities to lie and cheat as well as a four-year old human, how long until it learns the ethics and social values of an adult? We don't know, do you?

21 Apr 2018
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