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Episode 21
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The Antarctic King, A New Galaxy, A Denisovan Cave, China's Moon Lander, AI Satire, An Alzheimer’s Breakthrough and Is a Cure For Cancer Coming Soon?

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The Antarctic King, A New Galaxy, A Denisovan Cave, China's Moon Lander, AI Satire, An Alzheimer’s Breakthrough and Is a Cure For Cancer Coming Soon?

This is another mini-episode about the week in science! A team of Israeli scientists is calling their shot, claiming they will cure cancer in the next year. Well, I guess we'll see about that. Hubble discovers a new Dwarf Galaxy, a Russian cave yields new evidence of the ancient Denisovan people, China's Moon lander sprouts some seeds that then immediately die, researchers attempt to teach Satire to AI and a new breakthrough in Alzheimer’s Disease teases a new possible treatment. Hosted by @daveciaccio. Follow us @scienceafpod!

03 Feb 2019
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