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Nuclear Fusiology, Orbital Lunology, MyrmeMycoMycology, Space Madness and in Common Nonsense: Lensa and AI Art

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Nuclear Fusiology, Orbital Lunology, MyrmeMycoMycology, Space Madness and in Common Nonsense: Lensa and AI Art

In this Episode Dr Ciaccio (not a doctor) looks into new advancements in Nuclear Fusion. The Artemis Mission including the Orion Spacecraft which just circumnavigated the moon, a Zombie Ant Fungus-eating Fungus, the USDA passes Lab-Grown Chicken meat, a Brain Computer Interface for coma victims, some Big Bustards that self medicate, a fake Black Hole and a Real One, and finally in Common Nonsense: Is the new Lensa AI Portrait app a good thing or a bad thing? or another thing entirely?

04 Jan 2023
Keywords: artificial intelligence, orion, moon lunar artemis, zombie ant fungus, big birds, big bastards, hawking radiation, fake chicken, fda, USDA,
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